Door-to-door sales jobs

Door-to-Door Sales Jobs

A List of Door-to-Door Jobs by Industry


Pest Control – Performing bug sprays sometimes can be subscription based services, can include pests & rodents such as mice.


Windows – Save money on energy bill some people really appreciate a nice newly sealed window.


Roofing – One of the biggest industries that has been around for a while.


Solar – Concept of eliminating energy bill by owning electricity.


Other Utilities – Deregulated electricity & gas. Negotiated rates. Be careful with this because prices could go up after a certain time.


Other Home Improvements – Exterior and interior home remodeling.


Internet – Major telecommunication industry been around for over 150 years.


Cell Phone – Everyone uses a phone which makes it a good conversation.


Television – DirecTV is one of the only products you can sell and make a good commission on.


Insurance – Life insurance can be a common thing to door knock but other insurances can be too.


Financial Advice – Some financial companies are known for this model.


Magazines – With a team in a traveling van!


Meat – Meat salesman have been doing this for years and make an absolute living off of it. Something that goes unmarketed.


Home Security – Pretty popular industry can result in very high commissions.


Cleaning Supplies – Such as vacuums or detergents and other wellness products.


Tree Removal – Other tasks such as trimming.


Landscaping – Other gardening services.


Lawn Mowing – Another good way to create a subscription based service.


Firewood Delivery Services – Some people develop clientele and repeat customers for these services.


Small Business Services – If you have a business of your own you would be surprised how much profit you can make just by introducing yourself and having a good story.



You can sell anything door to door. There are so many established industries that already utilize door-to-door sales. If you want to check out what products and services we offer that you can sell door to door please inquire by registering your information to become a dealer or by calling and having a commission schedule shared with you. If you are a door to door expert please join our Facebook Group. 


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