Commission only sales jobs

Commission Only Sales Jobs

Commission Only Jobs in Sales


A commission only sales job might sound exactly what it is, it is a job where you are not paid an hourly or a salary but is based on receiving a cash payment bonus only when a sale is completed. A commission only sales job can have other contingencies in order to receive 100% of the commission.



What Industries Do Commission Only Sales?


Surprisingly, many industries thrive off of doing commission only sales. Every position can be a commission-only sales position. See a list of common industries where agents can do commission only sales.


Real Estate – a common industry where real estate agents receive a percent of the total value of the sale as a commission which could potentially be very large.


Insurance – whether life, health, accident, property & casualty insurance it is very common for agents to work commission only.


Roofing & Solar – This is a industry that can be known for the door to door grind. Large commission can be attained if you are willing to put in the development work and be patient.


Exteriors & Home Remodeling – Can include roofing, siding, fencing or any sort of home remodeling such as complete kitchen and bathroom makeover. Sometimes sales reps will have opportunities to run in home appointments.


Telecommunications – Many major telecommunications providers allow for individuals to run their own dealerships as commission only sales professionals in internet, mobile cell phone, and television world.


Pest & Bug – Pest and bug control guys actually can go under the radar but make extremely well pay. A lot do door to door and some have developed relationships on routes that can make them over 100K a year!




Did you know that Capital Group Enterprises is a marketing company and sales contracting organization that develops direct contracts with major service providers as a master distributor for many products? If you are thinking about working in commission only sales, Capital Group Enterprises may be you resource for sales and education. They have many different products to sell where you will receive one of the absolute highest commissions for!





Check out some of these articles on commission only sales jobs from reddit.

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