Posts Capital Group Enterprises

Are you a leasing agent, property manager, or real estate agent?

Provide a concierge customer service to your new move-in by having them call Capital Group Enterprises to have their internet & other needs fulfilled.

Do you wish you had a resource to refer new move-in's to, that helped them through the process of getting internet service to the home?


This could be a valuable tool to offer a better service to new move-ins. Not only can we provide a concierge internet sign up process, we can help your clients save money by making sure they have the best deals including bundle discounts with cell phones and even DirecTV promotions.



Provide a concierge internet sign up.


We help your clients get signed up for internet & can guide them through processes. Our superior knowledge of AT&T & other internet products along with dedicated support is why many are choosing to send their clients to get help from us. 




Benefits to leasing agents, property managers or real estate agents.


We follow all rules and regulation to provide referral bonuses to industry partners who can accept them, can donate to whatever cause, or host luncheons for your office! We truly thank you for your support.



To find out more,
Give us a call!