Credit Freeze

How To Freeze Your Credit Score

Freezing Your Credit


Did you know that a lot of cyber security professionals keep their credit frozen so noone can run a credit check on them without their authorization or attempt to do to fraudulent activity?


Today we explore how to freeze your credit.


Freezing Credit Score


Did you know that there are 3 major credit report bureaus that keep a score of your credit? Transunion, Equifax & Experian. This score is all very similar but can be different for each agency because each credit reporting agency has their own rules when calculating each individual’s credit.


In order to freeze your credit you need to contact these reporting agencies and ask them to place a hold or credit freeze on your account.  You can call, email or go online. You can even download apps for each credit reporting agency.


Contacting Transunion, Equifax & Experian


Transunion – You can call Transunion by calling 1-900-915-8800. You can also create an account on their website & downloading the app. Send an email to them.



Experian – You can call 1-888-397-3742. You can create an account online by visiting & using that information on the app. You can also send them an email.



Equifax – You can call 1-888-378-4329. Equifax’s website is and just like the other bureaus, you can create an account online & through the app.  Contact all 3 of these agencies by phone, online or email!




It is recommended that you freeze your credit score in order to stay more secure. In cyber security, you are trading off ease of use for being more secure. If you want to take extra steps in order to stay secure it is recommended to freeze your credit!

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