Perfect Vision

Perfect Vision Authorized Dealer

Perfect Vision has been around since 1979 and was founded in Little Rock Arkansas. Capital Group Enterprises has only been around since 2023 but has been aggressively establishing dominance in the sales contracting space by winning direct contracts with several companies & carriers. Capital Group Enterprises happily partners with Perfect Vision to deliver products and services it doesn’t already have a direct contract for.

Perfect Vision has many products and is known more for the installation side of things and holding of the hardware equipment. A dominance in the Telecommunication space, Perfect Vision has many contracts with carriers such as Spectrum, DirecTV, Frontier & much more.

Capital Group Enterprises’ core values are based on transparency and honesty. Capital Group Enterprises’ commission schedule shows what we get our products at and then we deliver it to you at a certain percentage. If you are a business owner, your commissions start at 80%. You have the availability to grow to 90%! We do have a tiered structure that someone could follow that allows managers to receive overrides over sales reps. This program can range in commissions of 50%-90%.  We realize that being so transparent in this space can have negative consequences for us. Such as you going straight to Perfect Vision instead of us. Well, we want to work with you only if you are comfortable knowing we are all working together. This makes for the best business. It can actually be difficult to get onboarded to be a dealer under Perfect Vision. Realize that some people can not get a contract with them. This may seem unreal having to use a company who uses a company to use another company. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to helping you grow!

If you are looking at Perfect Vision please utilize us for our DirecTV services. We hold a master contract with DirecTV and actually give higher commissions than any other master dealer in the space! If you cannot onboard under Perfect Vision because you do not meet specific criteria like demonstrating sales in the space or can pass a financial stability check, look no further. We can help train you to be a sales expert. Check out Perfect Visions website by clicking here.

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