AT&T NDS Program

What is AT&T’s “NDS” Program?

AT&T “NDS” Program is one of the best sales contracting programs for residential sales accounts. Today Capital Group Enterprises or CGE explains more about AT&T’s NDS program & how if someone is interested they can get involved.

What Does "NDS" Stand For?

For AT&T in the telecommunications world, “NDS” stands for, “Neighborhood Direct Sales” It is a name for the specific program AT&T is running to allow highly skilled sales individuals an opportunity to make a very high income selling AT&T through sales contracting. 

Some people may be aware of the contracting AT&T does with its store fronts as “AT&T Authorized Retailer’s”. This AT&T Neighborhood Direct Sales Program is a little different. It allows an individual to become an “AT&T Authorized Dealer” and make residential sales through various methods.

Does AT&T Hire People To Door-to-Door Knock?

Yes. Did you know that individuals at your local stores are allowed to door knock? AT&T hires individuals both corporate in-house and through The NDS Authorized Dealer Program to specifically knock on doors. There are various methods someone can go about making their sales through the NDS program. Door-to-Door direct sales remains commonly one of the most effective ways to generate sales. 

Companies & individuals are not limited to only door-to-door sales but can also set up booths at events, stores & other locations. They can attend various networking events and utilize referral networks such as people that are in front of customer’s moving customer’s into new places or people working in the internet industry directly who could see value sending a customer to someone who they know will help.


Does AT&T Hire Contractor's?

Yes. AT&T has corporate and all kinds of authorized reseller’s of AT&T’s products. Just because an individual is working for a specific division of AT&T shouldn’t mean anyone should be viewed upon differently. Everyone is being signed up for the same service. AT&T contractor’s choose to stay contractor’s because of their high commissions. 


Are you looking to become a contractor? If you are just starting out AT&T will not give you a direct appointment to become a contractor immediately. Getting contracted through Capital Group Enterprises AT&T Authorized Dealer programs is one of the best options in order to receive some of the highest commissions while still having support and flexibility. If you believe you are qualified with a sales background and can pass a background check to work with AT&T check out our AT&T program either email us with your resume at, fill out your information by clicking here with a message or call us today.

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In this article:

Capital Group Enterprises. CGE. AT&T Authorized Dealer Program. AT&T NDS Program. AT&T Authorized Retailer. AT&T Reseller. Sales Contracting. Contractors. Authorized Dealer Programs



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